Case Study

Effective Communication: Navigating Cultural Nuances and Customer Interactions

June 29, 2023


The client is a multinational technology company that makes enterprise tech and business tools for the banking and finance sector. 



The client has identified a vision of 10x growth in its valuation and doubling in revenues before the end of this decade to become a billion-dollar company. They committed to achieving this growth while also becoming a Great Place To Work certified organization. They wanted to leverage coaching as a tool to fire up their growth.



Program designing 
We co-created a program with the client to solve for their challenges through kindling a coaching culture in the organization. This included 1:1 coaching to leaders and training them in coaching skills to create cascade effects through the organization. 

We deployed Meeraq’s Leader as a Coach certification program with an additional module of mentorship skills. The solution was designed to fit in with other components of the client’s overall program to launch themselves towards their stated growth vision. The program included: 

  • In-person training by an experienced MCCP coach 
  • Practice spaces to help leaders work on skills 
  • Structured opportunities to ignite self-reflection 
  • Pre and post work for self-learning on the Meeraq platform 

Audience: 50 leaders (including the CXO layer) subsequently extended to 175 leaders

Impact measurement tools

  • Knowledge assessment: to measure conceptual understanding  
  • Impact journaling: to capture impact on the individual given the transformative nature of the program



While the Intervention is still underway, a resounding testimonial of its reception is that after the completion of the first batch of CXOs – the client requested the program be delivered for more of its leaders, leading to an increase of 250% in the total batch strength for the program, and putting the number at 175 leaders across the client’s organization.

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