Case Study

Effective Communication: Navigating Cultural Nuances and Customer Interactions

July 5, 2024


The Client is the fastest growing AI-powered SaaS data company in healthcare with a mission to accelerate insights and improve outcomes for patients through leading real-world data, AI technologies, and scientific expertise in partnership with the leading biomedical innovators, healthcare providers, and medical societies.


The client wanted a program for their mid-level leaders transitioning from individual contributor roles, aiming to boost leadership competencies. The emphasis is on cultivating the skills and mindset essential for effective team leadership in alignment with corporate objectives.


Program Design:
We designed and executed a program titled ‘LeadX Certification’ with a purpose to assist participants in transitioning from an individual contributor role to a people leadership role.The program design included:

  • Bite-sized learning sessions,
  • 1:1 laser coaching
  • Pre and Post questionnaires
  • Community engagement

Program Delivery:
Four In-person full day workshops conducted for 4 weeks , once a week. All delivered seamlessly on our platform.

Quick Stats:
Audience: Mid-Level
Total participants: 25 across different BUs
Total no. of batches: 1
Total classroom sessions: 4
Total no. of coaching sessions: 50


Participants overcame limiting beliefs, fostering confidence in their managerial role. They mapped team potential and performance for targeted development, prioritized tasks, practiced 7-level delegation, and gained skills in constructive feedback conversations.


Response rate : 80 %
Overall Program experience : 4.8/5
Facilitator 1 Rating : 4.5/5
Facilitator 2 Rating : 5/5
Helpfulness of the coaching sessions : 4.5/5


Client Speak:

“There was lot of new leaderships skills and techniques that were explained in the coaching sessions, interactive sessions made the learning more fun. “
“I will be segregating the team based on skill and metrics that will help in delegation. Planning before execution topic helped me.”
“Main thing is we have started implementing and seeing good results.”
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