Systemic Team Coaching

High performing teams are known to achieve out-sized business results in all key success dimensions. But there are barriers that stop teams from reaching their potential. More often than not, it is the complex dynamics of human systems that can cause of deep-rooted problems. Barriers range from interpersonal relationships, perceptions about each other, assumptions, different end goals, individual motivations or simply put – respect for each other. Team Coaching focuses on making individuals in a team understand each other first and then their role in the team.
Team Coaching involves holding the team’s and organization’s goal as the topmost agenda while slowly integrating individual goals and the process of achieving this with each other’s help. Systemic Team Coaching is a process similar to team coaching but in addition, it considers stakeholders outside of the team that might be impacting the team’s performance. Systemic Team Coaching helps the team understand the reasons behind the manifestation of certain behaviours within their group. It helps them interpret this as an indication of what must be happening in the wider organisational system.
If your organization is facing issues with collaboration, ownership and accountability, people working in silos, conflicts being brushed under the carpet OR if your teams are working without a clear mission or goal, just as a simple group of people working together, then your team stands to benefit from Systemic Team Coaching.

Our expert Systemic Team coaches actively work with the team to bring about greater group awareness and actions which are stakeholder focused. They partner with the team and provide a learning environment to enable the team to connect better both within itself and its stakeholders outside keeping in view its larger purpose.
The System Team coaching process involves:
- A detailed study of self, team, organization as a whole and various stakeholder
- Group coaching sessions
- One-to-one sessions with individuals
- A workshop to align the vision and detailed action plan for the team
- Measurable and sustainable outcome
- Bringing it all together for a final assessment and sustainability plan
The Systemic Team Coaching effort results in a team which is not just collaborative and productive together as a team but also understands the requirements of various stakeholders, their connectedness and the impact. Teams become more productive with a holistic approach having a depth of understanding of self, team, organization and stakeholders.